FOSB Resolution of Anti-Racism Commitment

Black Lives Matter.

Friends of Salmon Bay commits to being an anti-racist organization. The following resolution was approved by FOSB membership on June 11, 2020.

Whereas; “the most fundamental right is the right to live” and that right is being denied to black people across this country and in Seattle; and

Whereas, systemic racism is embedded in every aspect of this country, including public schools; and

Whereas, systemic racism in our school system is a major factor in the opportunity gap between white and black students; and

Whereas, we must choose whether to be a racist or anti-racist organization as there is no neutral space; and

Whereas, the voices and needs of black children continue to be left out and unheard.

Resolved, That Friends of Salmon Bay PTO commits to being an anti-racist organization; be it further

Resolved, Educates our PTO members on issues related to anti-racism through hosting parent education events, providing anti-racism books and resources for families, and by including information on anti-racism in every meeting; be it further

Resolved, Actively works to center the voices of our families furthest from educational justice by engaging with families; be it further

Resolved, Supports the demands of Black Lives Matter at School: 1-End zero tolerance, 2-Fund counselors not cops, 3-Mandate black history and ethnic studies, 4-Hire more black teachers; be it further

Resolved, Actively works with our school, Seattle Public Schools, the City of Seattle, and the State of Washington to provide opportunities and funding for professional development for anti-racism work.