
Our annual auction is on Friday, May 9, 2025 in Ballard at Old Stove Gardens. We hope to see you there! Visit our website for tickets and updates:

Follow the auction on social media: Facebook and Instagram

Questions? Contact Geo Rittenmyer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FOSB auction?
The FOSB auction, held each spring, is one of our biggest fundraisers. More than just a fundraiser, this event celebrates our fantastic parent community’s dedication and hard work. It’s a great opportunity to connect with fellow Salmon Bay parents, build a stronger sense of community, support our school, and enjoy a fun night out! Your participation in the auction helps us provide resources and opportunities that go beyond what the school district can fund.

What do I bring to the auction?
You don’t need to bring a thing!

What do I wear to the auction?
Our auction is always come as you are, or you can dress to fit the theme. Costumes and creativity are highly encouraged!

What is a Fund-a-Need?
At each Salmon Bay annual auction, our community raises their paddles to fund a special initiative within the school. These fund-a-needs have provided much-needed funds for scholarships, classroom supplies, counseling services, teacher mini-grants, and more. 

What does the income from the auction support?
All income from the auction supports the FOSB budget for the next school year. Did you know FOSB funds:

  • community-building activities for students and families
  • committee work that fosters diversity, inclusion, and education within our school community
  • a generous annual grant to Salmon Bay school that helps to close the gap in funding between what the district provides and what it costs to staff the school, purchase supplies, and enhance curriculum  
  • scholarships to ensure that every student has access to our school’s unique programs such as SEP (Spring Enrichment Program), camps for every grade level, and co-curricular field trips that extend classroom learning
  • yearbooks for all students
  • complimentary staff tickets for our annual auction
  • and so much more!

Does the auction have sponsors?
Yes, we welcome sponsorships that support the mission of Salmon Bay K-8! We’re always looking for a Main Sponsor as well as additional sub-sponsors. Sponsorships can come from businesses or individuals. If you’re interested, we’d love to hear from you! 

Who plans the auction? Can I help?
The Auction Committee works year-round to bring the auction to life. We develop the theme, secure the venue, coordinate with vendors, plan fundraising activities select the ‘fund-a-need’, design decor, and infuse the artistic spirt that makes a Salmon Bay Auction unique.

Our team includes leads for tasks like procurement, sign-up parties, community outreach, data entry, item pick-up, graphic design, and fundraising games. Every year, we rely on new volunteers to make the event successful! 

We’re a fun, collaborative group that meets as needed, and we welcome all Salmon Bay adults to join the team. Whether you have a little time or a lot, we’ll find a role that matches your interests. Feel free to ask questions or let us know if you want to join the Auction Committee! Email Geo Rittenmyer.