Salmon Bay K-8 families and staff work together to build and sustain the people, programs, and activities that contribute to our unique and thriving school. Your generous donations of time and resources help us close the gap between what the district provides and we want for our students and school community.
For the 2024-2025 school year, FOSB budgeted $308,000 to fill this gap. We raise funds annually through our spring auction + fall direct giving + everyday ways. Please consider donating anytime or during one of our fundraising campaigns at Donations are tax-deductible. Corporate matching welcome. Every little bit helps!
Our Fall Direct Giving Campaign ran from November 1st to November 22nd.
Your contributions are hard at work supporting…
39% Essential School Needs
Sustaining essential school staff, programs, and resources that the district is unable to fund, such as our Nurse, Volunteer Coordinator, Arts Teacher, Drama Instructor, and Racial Equity Team
28% Unique School Programs
Supporting unique school programs that the district does not fund, such as Fall Connections, Winter Lantern Festival, Spring Enrichment Program, Team Sports, Theater, Kindergarten Jump Start, New Student Welcome, Moving-Up Ceremonies, Staff Appreciations, and Free Yearbooks for All
23% Enhancing Committee Work
Offering programs, events, and efforts that support our entire school community through volunteer-led committees, such as the Racial Equity Fund, After-School Programs, Building Community Initiative (BCI), Parent-Information Exchange (PIE), Legislative & Advocacy, Family & Student Learning Support, Garden, and Emerging Needs
10% Student Scholarships
Ensuring that all students can participate in school-related programs and activities regardless of cost
Donations are tax-deductible!
Legal Name: “Friends of Salmon Bay”
Address: 1810 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA 98117
Status: 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Tax ID number: 91-1622350
Concerns about fundraising for public schools? Us too!
Join our Legislative + Advocacy committees to help envision a more equitable and effective education system, and lobby our local and state legislators.
FOSB is also a member of the Central and North Seattle PTA Alliance (CANSSPA), the sister organization of the West Seattle Public Schools Equity Fund and Southeast Seattle Fundraising Alliance (SESSFA). Their mission is to advocate for all children in the Seattle Public School District to receive adequate and equitable education. Please consider supporting their efforts through the Alliance for Education.