Committees & Activities

FOSB is 100% volunteer powered, and most of the work we do happens through our committees. Whether you volunteer at one event or take on a lead role for the whole school year, FOSB committees are a great way to get involved. Use this Volunteer Interest Form to mark which committees you’re interested in learning more about, joining, or supporting in another way so we can connect you!

Advocacy Committee
This committee was created* in September 2024 to contribute to the collective efforts to improve the education system in the Seattle School District and the State of Washington.
Contact: Advocacy Co-Chairs, Ashley Woborec and Andrea Stringer –
*double checking bylaws and precedence if this needs/does not need a vote at a board meeting (as of 9/13/24)

After-School Programs Committee
Offers a variety of before- and after-school programs for students during the school year.
Contact: Chrissie Crowell –

After-School Theatre Committee
Creates, produces and supports the after-school theatre program at Salmon Bay, including an assortment of plays, classes, and other opportunities. Lots of options to fit age, experience, endurance, and commitment level.
Contact: Eli Edlund –

Auction / Spring Fundraiser Committee
Plans, organizes, and executes FOSB’s annual spring fundraiser (historically has been an auction), one of FOSB’s two main fundraisers each year.
Contact: Geo Rittenmyer

Bike/Walk to School Committee
Works to increase the number of families walking and biking to school and plans Bike to School Month activities each May.
Contact: Heather Darval

Building Community Initiative (BCI)
Fosters a sense of inclusivity, communication, connection, and belonging to a village of caring families within and across grade levels in fun and meaningful ways. Our BCI Chairs are Chase Treisman (K-2), Liila Woods (3-5), and Jackie Thai (6-8).
Stay connected by joining your grade-level Google group via

Communications Committee
Serves to streamline communications between FOSB, school staff & administration, and parent communities. The committee is responsible for a weekly newsletter, maintaining the FOSB FaceBook page, and the FOSB website. We are always looking for ways to communicate more efficiently and more productively.
Contact: Erin Rosenberg –

Direct Giving Committee
Organizes, plans, and executes FOSB’s fall Direct Giving campaign held in the fall, the other of our two annual fundraisers.
Contact: Liila Woods –

EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Committee
Aims to promote and foster an environment that is respectful and affirming of all students, families and staff, and reflects our commitment to issues of racial and social justice, acceptance, and tolerance. This committee does not have a chair. Please reach out if you are interested. At the same time, FOSB works to incorporating equity and inclusion work into our organization holistically.
Please contact FOSB Co-Chairs with any questions or to volunteer as committee chair.

Families of Color Committee
Exists to uplift, support, and benefit students, parents/caregivers, and families of color both in the Salmon Bay K-8 school community and within the Seattle school district at large. Our committee creates safe spaces for families of color to connect with one another.
Sumi Bhat-Kincaid is coordinating the efforts to find someone to chair this committee. If you are interested, please email Sumi.

Family/Student Learning Support Committee
In recognition of all the learners in our community, we’ve made a name change from Special Education and Disability (SED) Committee to Family/Student Learning Support Committee. The committee aims to create an environment of sharing and learning that is inclusive to all; to foster building bridges between the general and special education communities, that is respectful and affirming to our families, students and staff and reflects our commitment to creating more understanding and acceptance around disabilities and special education.
Contact: Minette Stewart –

Finance Committee
Oversees the operating budget for FOSB and makes budget recommendations.
Contact: Niamh Ward (Elementary Treasurer) and Julie Carr (Middle School Treasurer) –

Funding Equity Committee
There is a PTA alliance: CANSSPA (Central and North Seattle Schools PTA Alliance), and a number of PTAs in north and central Seattle are members (including Loyal Heights and West Woodland). More info can be found here: FOSB is exploring participation in this group as continuation of the work done by the temporary Funding Equity Committee during the 2018-2019 school year.
Contact: Christine Miller

Gardening Committee
Maintains and improves our school grounds through family-friendly work parties on various Saturdays throughout the year.
Contacts: Jenny Melnick and Erin Rosenberg –

Legislative Committee
Helps parents stay apprised of legislative issues in public education at the local, state, and national level.
Contact: Amy Wheeless

PIE (Parent Information Exchange) Committee
Sponsors parent education events throughout the year, including guest speakers on topics of interest, film/documentary screenings, panel events, and more. The committee also maintains a parent library cart in the school’s front lobby. The PIE committee has gathered these online resources to share with the community.
Please contact FOSB Co-Chairs with any questions or to volunteer as committee chair.

Traffic Safety Committee
To improve safety and foster community, the FOSB Traffic Safety Committee is working with Salmon Bay and SDOT to roll out a new circulation plan for drop-off and pick-up this spring. More information to come as plans are finalized with the school administration and the city.
Contacts: Meredith Rawls ( and Mike Bigelow (