3rd Grade Movie Night
School CafetoriumAll families, siblings etc welcome to join us for a movie night in the SB Cafeterium. Please bring low chairs, pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, etc. to get cozy. You are […]
FOSB Events Calendar
All families, siblings etc welcome to join us for a movie night in the SB Cafeterium. Please bring low chairs, pillows, sleeping bags, blankets, etc. to get cozy. You are […]
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4695951579?pwd=MVFEOTB0dmtRRXgxNUpCTWcwWTZqQT09&omn=84183238827 Meeting ID: 469 595 1579 Passcode: budget
The Salmon Bay After School Theater committee is excited to announce the spring season! We are working with Youth Theater Northwest to produce the following shows. Registration through the school’s […]
This year, we will hold all FOSB meetings in person with an option to join virtually. Please join us upstairs in the Salmon Bay library or on Zoom. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83636497160?pwd=ZzhjZXJuVFdPdzJ3UE9VamIzVUJ5UT09 […]
The Salmon Bay After School Theater committee is excited to announce the spring season! We are working with Youth Theater Northwest to produce the following shows. Registration through the school’s […]
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4695951579?pwd=MVFEOTB0dmtRRXgxNUpCTWcwWTZqQT09&omn=84183238827 Meeting ID: 469 595 1579 Passcode: budget
Do you like to eat pie? Do you like to play games and solve puzzles? Mark your calendars and make sure to join us for a fun night eating pie […]
FOSB Community Building Initiative Team has some fun sporting event opportunities coming up! First up - Seattle Sounders! We had a blast last year at Lumen Field. Some of us […]
Salmon Bay K-8 is lucky to have teaching and admin staff who value the camp experience for all grades. FOSB's role for helping support the success of camp is to […]
This month, FOSB is sponsoring an educational event led by Lisa Davidson, Seattle Public Schools Prevention and Intervention Manager, to learn more about preventing risky behaviors like vaping and other […]
The Salmon Bay After School Theater committee is excited to announce the spring season! We are working with Youth Theater Northwest to produce the following shows. Registration through the school’s […]