FOSB Events Calendar

FOSB Budget Meeting


Join our zoom Meetings using this link.  Please contact with questions.

Empowerment Self-Defense Class: Grades 7-8, Students who identify as girls

Salmon Bay Room 214

FOSB is coordinating after school self-defense classes for all grade levels, open to Salmon Bay students & caregivers. These classes will be held at the school and will include age-appropriate self-defense techniques. More information will come in January newsletters, so please be on the lookout! Please email with any questions. Register at Eventbrite HERE. […]


Empowerment Self-Defense Class: Grades 7-8, Open to All Students

Salmon Bay Room 214

FOSB is coordinating after school self-defense classes for all grade levels, open to Salmon Bay students & caregivers. These classes will be held at the school and will include age-appropriate self-defense techniques. More information will come in January newsletters, so please be on the lookout! Please email with any questions. Register at Eventbrite HERE. […]


FOSB February Board meeting

PIVOT! We are going to host tonight's meeting fully virtually to keep everyone off of the snowy roads. Please join us online. **** Join us in the Salmon Bay Library for our monthly board meeting. Board meetings are open to all FOSB members - if you have a student at the school, you are […]

FOSB Budget Meeting


Join our zoom Meetings using this link.  Please contact with questions.

Pi Night

Salmon Bay Auditorium 1810 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Come celebrate Pi Night at Salmon Bay on Friday, March 14th (3.14)! Bring a pie, play math games, enjoy pizza and refreshments, and stay for the pi recitation competition. Brought to you by Salmon Bay's Building Community Initiative.

FOSB March Board meeting

Join us in the Salmon Bay Library for our monthly board meeting. Board meetings are open to all FOSB members - if you have a student at the school, you are automatically a member and have a vote! Come learn about the work being done by FOSB in support of our school, and ways YOU […]