FOSB Events Calendar

Evening Lantern Festival

Salmon Bay Park 2001 NW Canoe Pl, Seattle, WA

Join Salmon Bay families of past and present for the beloved tradition with Mary K and Mark at Salmon Bay Park on Friday 12/20 at 6:30-7pm to let our lanterns light our way! Bring your lanterns and dress warmly, singing our way into Winter Break. Meet on the West side of the park (opposite side […]

Winter 2025 After-school Program Registration ends

We are excited to share that the schedule has been finalized for the Winter 2025 Afterschool Program.  Available programming can be previewed on 6Crickets, which includes classes, times, costs and registration information.  Registration opens at 12 pm on December 13th, and ends on January 10th. Classes this session include: Mondays – Coding Video Games (3rd-5th) Tuesdays […]

FOSB Budget Meeting


It is time to start working on FOSB's budget for next school year! Everyone is encouraged to attend. Here is the agenda for the January 12th meeting. Additional meeting dates - Feb. 2nd, March 9th (budget proposals due), April 6th, and May 4th. Please contact with questions. Join our zoom Meetings using this link.

FOSB January Board meeting

Join us in the Salmon Bay Library for our monthly board meeting. Board meetings are open to all FOSB members - if you have a student at the school, you are automatically a member and have a vote! Come learn about the work being done by FOSB in support of our school, and ways YOU […]

Middle School Theater Production “Attack of the Zombies!”

Salmon Bay Auditorium 1810 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Salmon Bay Middle School Theater Production & Technical Theater Classes Present… "Attack of the Zombies!" A comic-horror spoof by Tim Kelly Get ready for a night of spooky laughs and spine-tingling fun! Join us for a thrilling, yet light-hearted adventure as our talented actors bring the terrifying tale of the undead to life! "Attack of […]

Middle School Theater Production “Attack of the Zombies!”

Salmon Bay Auditorium 1810 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Salmon Bay Middle School Theater Production & Technical Theater Classes Present… "Attack of the Zombies!" A comic-horror spoof by Tim Kelly Get ready for a night of spooky laughs and spine-tingling fun! Join us for a thrilling, yet light-hearted adventure as our talented actors bring the terrifying tale of the undead to life! "Attack of […]

Safety Skills for Children: K-3 Student and Caregiver

Salmon Bay Room 214

FOSB is coordinating after school self-defense classes for all grade levels, open to Salmon Bay students & caregivers. These classes will be held at the school and will include age-appropriate self-defense techniques. More information will come in January newsletters, so please be on the lookout! Please email with any questions. Register at Eventbrite HERE. […]


Winter Band Performance

Salmon Bay Auditorium 1810 NW 65th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Join us in the cafeterium to watch the Premier Band and the Concert Band.