FOSB Events Calendar

Special Education Disability (SED) Committee Event (Zoom)

This presentation plus Q&A will cover the basics of special education. This is great if you are new to the IEP process or for those who wish to gain some more tips for advocating for their child. Topics covered: Understanding the Legal Basics IEP/504 and the IDEA overview Modifications vs. Accommodations IEP vs. 504 Plans […]

Auction Committee Meeting (Zoom)

The FOSB Auction is unlike any auction you’ve attended before. This event is our largest adult community gathering of the year and we need your help to create it! All are invited to our first Auction Committee Meeting where we’ll start building this year’s LIVE, IN-PERSON event from the ground up. Please attend to learn […]

After School Program (ASP) Committee Meeting

Mainstay Provisions

FOSB's After School Program Committee will be meeting at Mainstay Provisions (612 NW 65th St) at 10:00am on Nov. 3rd to discuss potential club formation, vendor-led programs for next session, and how to divide and conquer the tasks needed. Please join us and help decide and implement the after school programs and clubs your student […]

Direct Giving Campaign

The Direct Giving Campaign is FOSB's fall fundraising event. Instead of selling cookie dough, wrapping paper, or popcorn, we ask you to contribute directly to our work to support Salmon Bay School. Our goal this year is to raise $75,000 by December 16th, 2022. Please contribute if you can — any amount is welcome! Donations […]

Monthly Board Meeting

School, Room 203

Updated location: Our November board meeting will be in person in room 203, across from the school library (second floor). There will also be a virtual option for those who can not attend in person. Look for the Zoom link in November’s Weekly Bulletins. This month’s FOSB meeting includes the opportunity to vote in additional directors. […]

Family Board Game Night

School Cafetorium

Kick off the weekend with a fun evening of playing board games with other families! FOSB is hosting a Board Game Night on November 18 in the school cafeteria. Bring your own games to share, or just come and play what others have brought. This is meant to be a casual after-dinner gathering and a way to meet […]

Garden Committee Work Party

The Salmon Bay Garden Committee will be hosting its first Grounds Clean-Up on Saturday, November 19 (weather permitting). We will meet at the front of the school at 10 a.m., and will work until early afternoon. Feel free to stop by any time! We will be cleaning up dead plants, collecting yard waste, and doing […]

MOD Pizza Fundraiser – all day!

Mod Pizza Ballard 6010 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA

Take a break from cooking, grab a friend for a social hour, and support the school programs you love via food! Join FOSB at our fundraiser at the Ballard MOD Pizza! On November 30 only, FOSB will receive 20% of all digital and in-store fundraiser sales if you: Stop by the Ballard MOD Pizza (6010 15th […]

Coffee with Admin

School Cafetorium

We’re pleased to announce another coffee chat with Principal Dixon and Assistant Principal Taylor. Enjoy pastries and coffee, mingle with other parents and learn more about the FOSB Direct Giving campaign. This will once again take place in the back of the cafetorium directly after Friday Sing.

5th Grade Snowflake Social

School Cafetorium

All 5th graders and their families are invited to the Salmon Bay cafetorium for this event hosted by FOSB’s Community Building Initiative team. Come join in the fun: we'll be crafting snowflakes, helping to decorate the school, and enjoying hot cocoa.

After School Program Registration Starts

Registration for the Winter session (January 9 to March 31) of FOBS’s after school programs starts December 5! Full class descriptions, schedule, and cost can be found at the Salmon Bay 6crickets webpage.